Friday, September 17, 2010

Why does my HP F340 printer print the ending page first?

How can I modify that?

Why does my HP F340 printer print the ending page first?

what may have happen is the option to print the later page to first page may have be enabled. all you own to do is when you hit print, hit the properties button while the printer is selected. check to see if the second page to first page feature is enabled. this may also be call coallate.
maybe its retardedd or spmething
first of adjectives ,wow they still make those. its a glich that the printer have. u can download the new drivers from or if u own those drivers goto properties on the printer and change how it prints. cya
There is an selection, when you click on the properties button, you can set a printer, to print in reverse, to be exact so, if you are working in an organization, or do a lot of printing, when you pick up the print employment, from the tray, all the page, will be in directive, from 1-30, or how many page that you are going to print. It comes in handy, when you do profoundly of printing, you don't have to stir and do the reverse. Just go into the properties tab, and variation it back, to print surrounded by sequence.
not a glitch, just turn into windows control panel, next select printers, then select the properties fragment for your printer, now look for a tick box subsequent to print pages within reverse order (or words to that effect) if near is a tick box and it has a tick contained by it the click the box now salvage the settings. and print a document with more than one page.

you should find that this have solved the problem.

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