The other hours of daylight for fun I was looking underneath the microscope at a page of black text printed out by my central name printer. To my surprise, respectively black letter be surrounded by very small dots of a wide-ranging variety of colors. These small color dots aren't detectable to the naked eye. Is this some genus of secret approach the printer company is getting us to use up our color ink (so that we buy more) without our awareness? (or am I just anyone paranoid?)
Why does my printer use color ink as member of its printing black certificate?
usually the color is used to darken and sharpen the black. There is no black liquid ink that boasts a pigment and purity lofty enough to confer a "laser like finish" The companies enjoy been boasting, so little colour ink is needed.
mine does indistinguishable thing
i guess presently all the printers do that
simply another way to be paid ppl buy ink
probly cuz youre low on black and it wants to trade name sure it turns black by mixing other dark colors....probly in that isnt enough black and the black explicitly used to print turns into another color cuz its not dark plenty...
If u want only use ur black color of printer u must chang settings of ur printer surrounded by else ur printer print datas that recive from computer and computer send datas whit out filter colors
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