It have been working fine until yesterday. Now when I hit the print button it seem to take forever for the information to procure to the printer. It prints a little next pauses consequently prints more. I can't seem to numeral out what caused this and how to fix it.
Why did my printer suddenly start printing slow and pause periodically?
Try to restart both, printer and computer, if doesn't fix the problem try reinstalling the drivers
Good luck
Have you changed the printing power settings, if you changed the resolution or choose a higher standard that can be the cause also.
Chances are it's any jammed, or the ink is low and must be forced out of the cartrage.
either the program u are running to word porocess is taking the RAM and CPU, or ur RAM disk is to big
you obligation a new one ok
Go to printer properties and check the ink lever first. Most of time this happen the ink is low. If the color is faded the ink is low too.
depends ...what kind of printer is ?
1. restart the computer and the printer.
2. check the settings related next to resolution / quality. if is set to much bigger or complex quality could be much slower.
3.check the print queue right after you sent a page to your printer. You can see in that how big (in Kbytes) is the print job. Maybe the printer is OK but the rip time is longer because of a huge size of that print mission. When you print in postscript should be a much smaller print employment that a PCL.
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